Accounting & Bookkeeping

Accounting & Book-keeping

Effective Financial Management Services for Your Business


Accurate and Timely Record-Keeping

At Al Burhan, we understand that accurate and timely record-keeping forms the cornerstone of a successful and profitable business. Our professional team is dedicated to modernizing traditional bookkeeping and accounting practices to empower you with better financial control and planning opportunities. We ensure that your finances are meticulously managed, potential leaks are identified and sealed, and future growth is strategically planned. Moreover, our expertise guarantees that your tax returns are filed accurately and punctually.

Comprehensive Accounting Solutions

As a registered accounting service provider, we offer a diverse array of financial solutions aimed at enhancing your business profitability.

  1. Establishment and Oversight of the Accounting Department

    We assist in setting up your accounting department and provide comprehensive oversight to ensure its smooth functioning.

  2. Custom Chart of Accounts Development

    Tailored to your management requirements, we create a chart of accounts that precisely reflects your business structure and financial activities.

  3. Implementation of Accurate Recording Procedures

    Our team implements meticulous procedures and documentation to record all financial transactions accurately, adhering to UAE laws and international accounting standards.

  4. Comprehensive Financial Reporting

    We prepare monthly and annual profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and detailed financial analyses categorized by departments, cost centers, branches, projects, and product lines.

  5. Aging Reports for Effective Management

    We generate aging reports on accounts receivables, accounts payables, and inventory to facilitate effective management decisions and improve profitability.

  6. Fixed Asset Controls

    Our services include establishing robust controls over fixed assets to ensure proper management and utilization.


At Al Burhan, we are committed to providing you with the financial tools and insights necessary to thrive in today’s competitive business environment. Let us partner with you on your journey to financial success.
  • Get the Best Accounting Services and Let Us Help You Grow!!
  • From simple to complex matters, we can tailor out our accounting services to suit your business needs.
  • Allow us to take it off your hands so you can concentrate on your business
how can we help you?

Contact us or submit a business inquiry online.

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